How Much Does Lacrosse Gear Cost? Lacrosse Budgets & Strategies for Buying Equipment

For parents, coaches, and team managers alike, diving into the world of lacrosse can pose a daunting question: how much does lacrosse gear cost? 

While there’s no denying the appeal of this unique, fast-growing sport, the lacrosse equipment cost can deter some from ever getting to experience what makes it so special. That’s why we’re here in an effort to make the game more accessible by helping you come up with lacrosse budgets for gear.

Whether outfitting a single player or an entire team, understanding the cost of lacrosse gear in total is vital for making informed decisions. You’ll learn what contributes to these costs along with where you can save money and where you shouldn’t cut corners. 

We’ll even guide you through securing low-cost lacrosse gear without compromising quality, so your child or team can enjoy the sport without you having to take on undue financial stress. 

That being said, let’s start this conversation with a common question we get asked here at Lacrosse Balls Direct: is lacrosse an expensive sport to play?

Is Lacrosse an Expensive Sport to Play?

This question often arises for newcomers considering entering the sport. While the initial investment might seem daunting, the answer isn’t necessarily a simple yes or no. 

That’s because the cost of lacrosse gear in total can vary widely depending on the player’s level, team requirements, and personal preferences.

For beginners, essential equipment might include a stick, helmet, gloves, pads, and cleats. These basic needs can be met without overspending, with options to buy second-hand or discounted gear.

On the other hand, more competitive players will typically spend more on customized or specialized equipment. There are also expenses beyond the lacrosse equipment cost: travel, league fees, practice time, coaching, etc. For the sake of this article, though, we’ll just focus on the cost of lacrosse gear specifically. 

Comparing Lacrosse to Other Sports: Where Does It Stand?

In comparison to sports like basketball, soccer, or football – yes, lax can be a bit pricey. However, it pales in cost comparison when looking at sports like ice hockey, golf, or horseback riding. What exactly is driving the cost of lacrosse gear, though?

Key Factors Driving the Cost of Lacrosse

  • Quality of Equipment: High-end gear, made with advanced materials and technology, can drive up the full lacrosse gear cost.
  • New vs Used: Choosing second-hand or discounted equipment can significantly lower the lacrosse equipment cost.
  • Level of Play: As mentioned, the competitive level can influence the average cost for lacrosse gear. The higher the level, the more specialized the equipment.
  • Team Requirements: Some teams may have specific uniform or gear requirements, affecting the low-cost lacrosse gear options available to players.
  • Additional Costs: Travel, tournament fees, training camps, and even medical insurance for players can add to the overall cost. As we said, this article will focus just on the cost of lacrosse gear, but it’s important to keep these other expenses in mind as you dive into the sport.

By dissecting these key elements, prospective players and their families can develop a more transparent and practical understanding of the lacrosse equipment cost. 

But, you came here to learn what you can expect to pay to get started in this sport. So, how much does lacrosse gear cost? 

How Much Does Lacrosse Gear Cost? Average Cost for Lacrosse Gear in 2023

cost of lacrosse gear in full

Understanding the average cost for lacrosse gear is essential for anyone looking to invest in the sport, be it for individual play or outfitting a team. From there, you can start to come up with your lacrosse budgets.

So, what do you need for lacrosse? And, how much does lacrosse gear cost? 

The lacrosse equipment cost can be broken down into various categories, ranging from essential items to optional accessories. In 2023, the costs are as follows:

  • Starter Kit (Stick, Helmet, Gloves, Pads, and Cleats): $200 – $400
  • Uniform (Jersey and Shorts): $50 – $100
  • Additional Accessories (Bags, Balls, etc.): $50 – $150
  • Travel, Fees, and Miscellaneous Costs: Variable

That being said, let’s break these costs down further to determine where you can save money and what should not be skimped on.

Breaking Down the Average Cost for Lacrosse Gear: What to Expect When Purchasing Each Piece of Gear

Here’s an itemized breakdown of what to expect for the full lacrosse gear cost:

  • Stick: Quality varies, with beginner sticks costing around $30 – $60 and advanced models reaching up to $200.
  • Helmet: An essential safety component, ranging from $60 to $200, depending on brand and features.
  • Gloves: Necessary for protection and grip, falling in the range of $30 – $150.
  • Pads (Shoulder, Elbow, and Rib Pads): Protecting critical areas, these vary from $70 – $200.
  • Cleats: Specialized footwear can cost between $50 – $100.
  • Uniform: Customizable according to team design, usually around $50 – $100 for a complete set.
  • Balls and Accessories: Practice balls and other extras can add $20 – $50.
  • Travel and Registration Fees: Variable costs depending on location and level of competition.

Understanding this breakdown helps in setting realistic lacrosse budgets, allowing for customization according to individual needs and preferences.

The Lifespan of Lacrosse Gear: Understanding When Replacements Are Needed

Investing in lacrosse doesn’t end with the initial purchase. Recognizing the lifespan of equipment is essential for maintaining optimal performance and safety.

For example, a stick can last several seasons but may need to be restrung multiple times over the course of its life. On the other hand, a helmet can last 3-5 years if you’re lucky – but must be replaced with significant impact to ensure you’re protecting your brain.

The items you’ll need to replace most frequently are gloves and cleats in our experience, but it all depends on how you play and how often you play. 

That being said, you typically only need to replace one component at a time – so the hardest part is just getting started from a financial standpoint. So – let’s offer some tips on developing a lacrosse budget for your child or team.

Tips for Developing a Lacrosse Budget For Your Team or Child

lacrosse budgets

When you’re aiming to bring a child into the sport of lacrosse or managing a team’s finances, budgeting becomes a vital part of the process. 

Juggling multiple expenses like equipment, league fees, and travel costs can be daunting, but here’s how you can approach building a budget:

Evaluating Needs and Prioritizing Expenses

Start by identifying the essential items that are non-negotiable, such as basic equipment, league registration fees, and travel costs for away games. Then, separate “wants” from “needs”. 

While high-end gear might be appealing, it’s important to recognize the difference between necessary equipment and luxury items. Focus on what’s essential for playing and practicing the sport effectively.

Some investments, like quality sticks and helmets, might cost more upfront but last longer and offer better protection. Evaluate these items carefully to understand their value over time. 

You should always keep some room in the budget for unforeseen expenses like equipment repair or replacement. 

Setting a Reasonable Budget: Tips for Finding a Balance Between Affordability and Quality

You can utilize the costs we’ve shared above in terms of actually setting your lacrosse budget. But remember that we’ve given you the average cost for lacrosse gear. It’s important that you build your budget based on a higher degree of specificity. 

So, research the market to get specific about the cost of certain items for your specific child or team. Browse various stores, online platforms, and even second-hand markets to get a sense of pricing.

If you’re new to the sport, seek guidance from seasoned players or coaches. They can provide insights into what’s necessary and what’s not, helping you make more informed decisions.

And, above all else, remember that safety is the one category you cannot compromise on. Investing in good quality protective gear is crucial. However, you might find other areas where you can go for more affordable options without compromising the playing experience.

When setting the budget, think about the entire season, including potential playoffs and additional training sessions. Include these in your calculations to avoid last-minute financial stress. 

By thoroughly assessing needs, prioritizing expenses, and thoughtfully balancing quality with affordability, you can develop a lacrosse budget that serves your child or team well. Below, we’ll offer tips on buying low-cost lacrosse gear for your team or kid without sacrificing on quality. 

Strategies for Buying Low-Cost Lacrosse Gear for Your Team Without Sacrificing Quality

low cost lacrosse gear

Navigating the world of lacrosse gear doesn’t have to be a financial burden. With a few smart strategies, you can ensure that your team is outfitted with quality gear without overspending.

Smart Shopping: Where and When to Buy Lacrosse Gear

Timing is everything when it comes to buying lacrosse gear. Purchasing during the off-season can yield significant savings as retailers often reduce prices to clear old inventory. 

Similarly, you can stay alert for seasonal sales like Black Friday and Boxing Day when massive discounts are common. Also, subscribing to newsletters from sports retailers can lead to exclusive offers delivered right to your inbox. 

Beyond when you buy your gear, where you buy it matters too. Online shopping has its advantages, offering competitive prices and a wide range of options. On the other hand, physical stores let you try products before buying. 

If you’re buying for an entire team, consider bulk purchases. Many retailers will knock down the price on large orders, making your lacrosse gear cost much more affordable. 

See if you can order direct from the manufacturer to cut out the middleman, getting you a better value in the purchase.

Consider Second-Hand Options

Who said you had to buy brand-new gear? While this is typically what people think about when shopping for lacrosse gear, the second-hand market is bustling with options at a fraction of the price. 

We highly encourage this if you’re shopping for a kid who may not be sold on the sport of lacrosse yet – you don’t have to take on the risk of buying brand-new gear that only gets used for one season. But really, anyone who has a tight lax budget can benefit from this market.

Many players sell their lightly used gear at a fraction of the price on eBay, Facebook marketplace, and Craigslist. You can find some real bargains if you’re willing to hunt around. Just be sure to protect yourself from scams when taking this direction. 

Renting vs Buying: Which Option is Better for Your Team?

Renting or buying gear is a decision that requires some thought. Renting might be the right choice for new players or those unsure about their long-term commitment to the sport. It’s often more affordable up front, and many local stores provide rental services. 

On the other hand, if lacrosse is going to be a multi-season activity for you or your child, buying might be more economical in the long run. It also allows for customization and a perfect fit. 

Weigh the pros and cons, consider the player’s commitment level, growth (especially for younger players), and the overall lacrosse gear cost over time.

We hope this conversation on the lacrosse equipment cost helps you feel a bit less stressed and a lot more clear about buying gear on a budget. Above all else, remember this: the value of lacrosse goes far beyond the price tag

This sport can change your kid’s life – teaching them valuable skills that will serve them well in the real world, creating connections that last a lifetime, and giving them a sense of purpose. Isn’t all that worth investing in?

Final Thoughts on How Much Lacrosse Equipment Costs

The cost of lacrosse gear in total is shaped by various factors, including the quality of equipment, the level of play, and the commitment to the sport. 

While it’s possible to minimize expenses by shopping smartly, taking advantage of discounts, and maintaining gear well, lacrosse does require ongoing investment. 

While we can’t help you save on all aspects of this game, there are a few products you can find at the lowest prices online at Lacrosse Balls Direct. We have the #1 certified lacrosse balls for sale at unbeatable prices. If you’re buying in bulk, we can help you save even more.

We also have lacrosse ball bags, box nets, lacrosse backstops, and more. Beyond our products, we have helpful resources to help you enjoy the sport to the fullest – including guides on cleaning lacrosse balls, lacrosse beginner drills, the best lacrosse nets, and how to play lacrosse for beginners.

Remember, the game of lacrosse offers more than just physical activity; it builds teamwork, resilience, strategic thinking, and brings joy. Thus, the cost for lacrosse gear becomes a worthwhile investment in personal growth and community. Follow these tips to build your lacrosse budget and focus more on the game, less on your wallet.